Oklahoma Christian Academy's elementary is a small community determined to provide an encouraging and safe learning environment. We have highly qualified, certified teachers and classroom assistants. We take seriously the mission of OCA to assist the families and the church in the development of each child. Bible is taught daily in our classrooms and our Praise Chapel is everyone’s favorite. The curriculum meets Oklahoma, National Math and Science standards and we administer the NWEA MAPS Growth test in the Fall and in the Spring.
Math - Into Math by Houghton Mifflin
Reading - Reading Horizons - a phonics-based curriculum
Social Studies - Teacher Created
Science & Math - Generation Genius
Science - McGraw Hill
Bible - Bible Story Books and the Bible
Extended Care is available to students in PreK – 8th grade, Monday - Friday from 3:30-6p. Extended Care is closed on all school holidays.
ENROLLED STUDENTS: A family must only pay for the days the child attends and parents/guardians do not have to inform anyone that their student will be in Extended Care. Students in grades PreK though 8 who have not been picked up by 3:30p will automatically be sent to Extended Care.
DROP-IN STUDENTS: If you have not enrolled in Extended Care and your child is not picked up by 3:30p, he/she will be placed in Extended Care for a $28 fee.
PICKUP: Pre-K Extended Care students will be picked up at the Pre-K building. Pickup for K-8th graders is inside the front door of the Elementary School.
PAYMENT: Due each week for the previous week.
DISCIPLINE: All students enrolled in Extended Care are required to follow the Code of Conduct for OCA as stated in the Student Handbook. Minor discipline problems will result in time out; however, major infractions will result in a referral to the principal. If a child receives two referrals, the parent may be asked to make other after-school
5 days per week - $60 for the first child; $45 for each additional child
4 days per week - $52 for the first child; $41 for each additional child
3 days per week - $45 for the first child; $34 for each additional child
2 days per week - $37 for the first child; $28 for each additional child
1 day per week - $28 for the first child; $21 for each additional child​
*Please include everyone on the enrollment form who will be able to pick up your child. We will not dismiss your child to an individual who is not on your list. If you need to add or delete someone as the year progresses, we will need these changes in writing. We will not accept changes over the phone, unless approved by the principal.​