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Your inquiry to Oklahoma Christian Academy is very important and we welcome your interest! Schedule a tour HERE.


There is a $75 non-refundable application fee. Applications for the following school year will be available HERE on October 28. The re-enrollment deadline for current students is March 1. After March 1, new student applications are reviewed and placed as space is available. 


Applicants for admission to Oklahoma Christian Academy must furnish evidence that they are physically and emotionally fit, of good moral character, and academically capable. All applicants must:


Provide records and recommendations from previous schools
Be eligible for re-enrollment in all schools previously attended
Not have been suspended or expelled from school within the past 12 months
Have no academic semester grade average lower than "75"
Have acceptable conduct grades and work habits
Not be coming directly from any type of rehabilitation program (i.e. drug, alcohol, behavior, mental, etc.)
Agree to comply with all policies in the family handbook

Students with documented learning differences may be considered for our SOAR program. OCA does not provide services or accommodations for behavioral needs.


If all of the admissions requirements have been met, you will be contacted to schedule a math and reading entrance exam. This assessment is based on our current curriculum and will help determine a student's academic success at OCA.


After all of the above has been submitted and reviewed, the applicant and family will interview with the principal to discuss mission, expectations, and to assess the appropriate fit between schools and family.


Families will be notified of the final status of their application.


OCA offers need-based financial assistance. The school utilizes an independent company, FACTS, to determine the amount that each family can be expected to pay for tuition. Financial aid is granted in the form of a tuition discount. 


Financial aid is available to students in grades K-12
Financial aid is available as a discount and ranges between 1% and 50%
Students are eligible for financial aid annually and must reapply each year
New families may apply for financial aid upon completing the admissions process

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